Nenagh child development therapy yields results
A local therapy service for children with developmental difficulties has been yielding fantastic results.
Nenagh Neurofuse was established by local INPP (Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology) practitioner Sarah Boland. Sarah, who completed the INPP course in Australia, recently set up a Neuro Developmental Therapy service based at her home at Springfort Meadows, where she lives with her husband and two children.
Sarah is passionate about helping children experiencing Neuro Development Delay (NDD), a condition that hinders the development of young children. She was inspired by her mother Ann Boland, former teacher at Nenagh CBS, who found that Neuro Developmental Therapy is a very effective way to help children who are struggling either academically, socially, emotionally and/or on the sports pitch.
Neuro Developmental Delay is the continued presence of primitive reflexes in a child beyond 12 months of age. Sarah explains how during the development of the foetus a group of reflexes emerge called primitive reflexes. These primitive reflexes, sometimes referred to as survival reflexes, should be present at birth and they provide an indication of the status of the Central Nervous System.
Primitive reflexes should be inhibited in the first 12 months of a child’s life. It is an accepted medical fact that if there is a cluster of primitive reflexes remaining active in the body, this indicates that the Central Nervous System is dysfunctional in some way and will prevent the child from performing tasks to his/her true level of potential.
A child with NDD might, for example, struggle with reading or writing; might be easily distracted and often fidgeting; might have poor hand-eye coordination, or he or she might still be wetting the bed beyond the age of 5.
All children will display some difficulties, some of which are part of their developmental journey. However, it’s when a child presents with a cluster of ongoing symptoms it suggests that retained reflexes may be at play. This will prevent the child from reaching his/her potential despite their best efforts.
Research indicates that immature reflexes can cause motor control, eye functioning, eye-hand coordination, and perceptual skills to be impaired. The above images show the progress that one child attending Nenagh Neurofuse made in the space of three months. Sarah asked the child to copy shapes; the progress made between the initial assessment and three months into the programme is very evident. Sarah also asked the child to draw a picture of himself; the difference again between his drawing at the first assessment and three months later is obvious. The child's first drawing had no arms, hands or fingers.
The therapy provided by Sarah at Nenagh Neurofuse is based on the INPP method. Established in the UK in 1975, the INPP method has become a globally used therapy with a proven track record, one that is becoming increasingly popular in Ireland. It is important for parents and caregivers to understand that this is a completely drug-free and non-invasive programme. Neuro Developmental therapy is specifically tailored to the needs presented by your child and is geared towards getting everything working in harmony. Our eyes, ears and vestibular (balance) system all operate on the same circuit (the Vestibular Ocular Reflex Arc). If one part of the circuit is out of sync it can adversely affect the others. E.g. if the balance is off, a child’s vision will be affected. The programme is a mostly at-home set of physical exercises and movements designed to improve the physical foundations of learning, and drastically increase athletic performance. Instruction in these movements is provided by Sarah on assessment, at which a parent or caregiver must be present. The parent/caregiver will be required to support the child with the daily exercises, and Sarah will provide support and advice throughout the programme.
A child’s development through the programme itself is monitored every six-eight weeks. It generally takes 12-18 months to complete the programme. Specific movements need to be completed daily for approximately ten minutes.
All of the movements, exercises and recommendations are evidence-based. The INPP has nearly half a century of efficacy and scientific data behind it, and thousands of testimonials. The movements prescribed establish neural connections and reset the neural clock.
To learn more about how Nenagh Neurofuse can help your child, and to book a private treatment session with Sarah. She can be reached via email or call 089 248 2454.
You can visit the website
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm; Saturday, 9am to 1pm.
See also the website for further reading about the Institute for Neuro Physiological Psychology