The Cultural Evening event was a great success.

Our Lady’s Templemore

Opening School Year Celebration: On Thursday, September 29, First Year students celebrated their first opening school year Mass in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Templemore. It was wonderful to celebrate this new chapter with them! Thank you to all involved, the readers, those who lit candles and to our religion department who helped organise it. A special thanks to Fr Dominic who celebrated our Mass with us.

A cultural evening: A cultural evening of music, song and dance took place in The Templemore Arms on Thursday, September 29. The Garda community are celebrating 100 years in existence this year and the group were very proud to be part of their celebration. Students from Our Lady’s performed for visiting delegates from the international Unpol who have spent the last few weeks in the Garda College in Templemore. The international guests representing about 20 countries, from Zimbabwe, Germany, Austria, USA, Slovenia. Bulgaria etc gave the students a well-deserved standing ovation. Well done to all involved.

TY Trip to Delphi: Our Transition Year pupils travelled to Delphi, Co Mayo in September. Each student had an opportunity to do all activities which included surfing, team tasks, zip and trek, archery, climbing and abseiling. Everyone returned having really enjoyed the three days away. While there were a few tired bodies there was a great sense of achievement among the group.

TY - Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland: Una Halpin from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) delivered a very informative workshop to our TY students this September. She got them to think about the energy that goes into food production, buying local and food waste.

Junior Camogie: Well done to our Junior Camogie team who beat St Anne’s in the first game of junior championship. The final score was 5-7 to 1-6.

Corn Uí Catháin: The county First Year hurling blitzes started during the last week of September. First Years played the first round of the Corn Uí Catháin against The Highschool Clonmel, Thurles CBS and Nenagh CBS. Under the guidance of Mr Martin Burke and Mr Conor Keane the boys are enjoying the competition. They look forward to the next round over the next few weeks.