Paul and Breda pictured with some group members on Santa Monica pier at the end of their journey.

Paul and Breda complete epic journey across Route 66

Having covered 4,355km across nine US states, Templemore's Paul and Breda O’Carroll arrived back in Ireland last week following an epic trip across Route 66.

Departing from Chicago on September 21, Paul and Breda had many highlights during their 12-day journey including the Ozarks, the Texas Panhandle, the Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest National Park and the Oklahoma Dust Bowl. The weather varied from 100 degrees in the Arizona and Californian deserts to much cooler temperatures in the mountains with random showers of heavy hail thrown in. Angeles Crest was another highlight as they rode over the San Gabriel Mountains in California, which led them into Los Angeles. This highway has 55 miles of hairpin bends and rises up to 7,500 feet.

There were 50 bikes in the convoy across America’s most famous highway broken into pods of six to seven. Five support cars supplied them with water and fruit. Each pod was led by a road captain, usually a police instructor, whose job was to keep the pod together and ensure their safety on the road.

The trip would not have been possible without their expertise. The group then got a motorcycle escort from LAPD for the final 20 miles, finishing up on Santa Monica Pier. They were the first vehicles allowed onto the pier since March 2020.

Paul and Breda raised €20,400 for the Children's Health Foundation while the entire project is expected to raise in excess of €750,000. They would both like to sincerely thank the generosity received from the local business community, friends, colleagues and private donors. They also wish to express their thanks to Templemore Lions Club for their support.