Nenagh Lions members and friends will undertake a fundraising climb of Keeper Hill just before Christmas.

Nenagh Lions Food Appeal

With Christmas fast approaching Nenagh Lions Club members will shortly commence organising their annual Christmas Food Appeal. This year with the Covid virus still lingering and the steep increase in the cost of living, many people including the vulnerable are experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety.

Last year the club spent a considerable amount of money from their food appeal in Nenagh and surrounding parishes. Most of this money was contributed by individuals, businesses and firms at local level. Nenagh Lions Club are very grateful to Dunnes Stores, who have facilitated the club to collect outside their premises on Friday and Saturday, December 2 and 3. Nenagh Lions Club are also delighted once again to be able to proceed with their street collections on Thursday, December 15, and Saturday, December 17. The Lions members would like to thank the businesses in advance for their continued support when we have our street collections outside their premises.

To help increase awareness of and to raise funds for the club, a number of Nenagh Lions members and friends will climb Keeper Hill in the days just before Christmas, the campaign will be publicised on the Nenagh Lions Club Facebook page, the GoFundMe link to donate will be accessible on the Facebook page. Another contributory source of funding to the food appeal is the QR code, which will also be available this year on collection buckets. Further information on the Christmas Food Appeal will follow later.