Roscrea Castle is the only site in Tipperary where official executions took place during the Civil War. Photo: PJ Wright

Sinn Féin critical of OPW on castle stance

Lack of engagement over commemorative event

The OPW’s refusal to facilitate the Tipperary Republican Commemoration Committee’s annual commemoration in Roscrea has been condemned by committee members, who have called on the OPW to facilitate the event

Breandan Ó Conchúir, Sinn Féin area representative for Roscreas and Templemore, has called the OPWs attitude ‘shameful’.

“Roscrea Castle is the only site in Tipperary where official executions took place during the Civil War; as such it has a unique historical significance. We have made every effort to work with the OPW to have the commemoration inside the castle yard where the four volunteers, Burke, O’Shea, Russell and McNamara were executed and buried, as we feel it is important to that such a significant event deserves to be commemorated where it happened.

“The Tipperary Republican Commemoration Committee do a great job organising a commemoration each year to mark this important historic event. Instead of working with us to facilitate this event the OPW has thrown up obstacle after obstacle.

“As next January is the centenary, we contact the OPW in April to again begin discussions on getting access to the castle yard. The OPW directed us to the Taoiseach’s office, who directed us to the heritage officer in the county council, while the council have been supportive and are willing to offer us the same support they would to other local commemoration groups this is still not enough for the OPW.

“We are calling on the OPW to work with us to facilitate the centenary commemoration. This will not deter us as we prepare for the centenary.”