Kyle Park agricultural school, built by Thomas George Stoney in 1843, and subsequently a national school.

‘The Stoney Family of Ormond and Offaly'

Ormond Historical Society's November lecture will take place on next Monday night, November 7, in the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond the control of the committee, the scheduled lecture by Dr Conor Reidy has been deferred to December.

On Monday night John Goodwillie will deliver a talk on the Stoney family of Lower Ormond. ‘The Stoney Family of Ormond and Offaly; Land, Marriage and Life’ will look at how the family evolved over the centuries, examine how marriage cemented their influence, and the part played by the family in the life of the area.

John Goodwillie is a librarian in Trinity College. He has published

several articles on researching historical Irish publications and

is former editor of Gralton magazine. He is currently chairman of the

Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Abbey Court Hotel, 8pm. Admission for non-members is €10 (which can be offset subsequently against OHS membership).