Apparent increase in wild deer herd in Nenagh area prompts call for a cull.

Deer cull advocated

An apparent sharp rise in the population of wild deer in the Nenagh area is causing a hazard to road users, councillors stated at the November meeting of the Nenagh Municipal District Authority.

The matter was raised by Cllr Fiona Bonfield who revealed that a young woman from Shalee had recently written off a car after a collision with one of the animals.

Warning drivers to be vigilant, Cllr Bonfield said she had seen one herself on the old N7 when driving home recently.

Cllr Joe Hannigan said deer were “all over the place” and a cull needed to take place.

“It is becoming an issue and its’s something we might have to put before a full meeting of the county council because these animals are everywhere and other parts of the county apart from us here in the Nenagh district are also being impacted,” said Cathaoirleach, Cllr Hughie McGrath.

Cllr Hannigan said that apart from the road hazards posed by the animals, they were also spreading TB to livestock. “It’s a massive issue down in our area,” said the Kilbarron councillor.