Alan Kelly with his wife Regina, daughter Aoibhe and son Senan at the Church of the Assumption in Mooncoin for the recent memorial service for Vicky Phelan. Photo: Bridget Delaney

Kelly: Taoiseach must honour promise to Vicky

Labour TD for Tipperary, Alan Kelly said urgent action must be taken to make the Patient Safety Bill fit for purpose and that the Taoiseach must honour his promise to Vicky Phelan to introduce open disclosure before Christmas.

Speaking following the launch of the Scally review into the CervicalCheck screening programme, Deputy Kelly said: “The Taoiseach has promised that open disclosure will be introduced before Christmas. He needs to deliver on that and honour his promise. The Bill as it is currently constituted is not fit for purpose. It is bad legislation. For 12 of the 13 conditions in relation to open disclosure the person would have to have passed away. That is not good enough. Vicky Phelan didn’t want tributes, she wanted action and delivery and this is a real way the Taoiseach can make that happen and strengthen her legacy to the women and people of Ireland.

“We also have to ask the question as to why no audits have been done since Vicky’s case was made public. It is indefensible and could put lives at risk.

“The reality is that the origin of this scandal was the fact the laboratories were put up for auction by the Government of the day. It was a huge mistake. We need to bring these laboratories back home. It is not acceptable to have back-up laboratories outside the State. All CervicalCheck laboratories and all its infrastructure must be based inside the State. The progress on the development of the Coombe needs a major shot in the arm. At the moment it is merely an empty building. We need to see recruitment happening now and we need this laboratory up and running without delay.”

Thousands of people gathered in Mooncoin, Kilkenny, last Sunday week to remember CervicalCheck campaigner Vicky Phelan. Many travelled from Tipperary to pay tribute to the 48-year-old mum who had lived in Limerick for years, and had passed away on Monday, November 14, after a lengthy cancer battle.

The celebration was led by Mooncoin Parish Priest Fr Martin Tobin.

Many gathered in the village and watched on big screens at Mooncoin GAA while thousands more tuned in to the online stream with hundreds paying tribute to Vicky in the comments.

Among the mourners was Charlie Bird, who has described Vicky as his “hero”.