Nenagh woman Sandra Farrell and friends are again organising the Nenagh Community Christmas Dinner this year

Free Meals on Wheels on Christmas Day

This year the Nenagh Community Christmas Day Dinner will operate a free “meals on wheels” service again.

Chief organiser Sandra Farrell stated that their aim this year more than ever is to bring a festive cheer to everyone’s doorstep that they will visit on Christmas morning. Their volunteers will deliver a hot dinner with all the trimmings and an extra dinner for St Stephen’s Day. In addition, they hope to distribute a gift to each person.

Many services do not operate on Christmas Day and many people are left with no resources, perhaps having no visitors or no one to talk to.

This initiative has grown from strength to strength over the last six years. We expect to deliver approximately 200 dinners this year.

This community initiative is held in memory of Sandra’s very dear friend Ollie Hickey, who was one of the main force drivers and chef who was instrumental in the continued success of this event. Sadly, Ollie passed away in 2017.

“We must say a special thanks to the management, staff and chef Declan Bouke of the Hibernian Bar & Restaurant for allowing us to use their kitchen and restaurant for preparation and distribution. To our generous sponsors and all our volunteers,” said Ms Farrell.

Ms Farrell stated that if people would like to donate a small Christmas gift to accompany the dinner, please drop them into The Zip Yard, Pearse St, Nenagh or the Hibernian Bar & Restaurant.

This “meals on wheels” service will be available to all people of the North Tipperary catchment area.

If you would like to avail of our free “meals on wheels” service, please call or text Sandra 087 6989401 or email