Senator Garret Ahearn with Minister Heather Hymphreys, who has allocated funding for seven projects in the county.

Funding boost for local courthouse in Tipp

A new era in the redevelopment of the Courthouse to serve as a functional building for the community has advanced a further stage with the provision of funding for advanced work in planning its future.

Under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, Minister for Rural and Community Development and Social Protection, Heather Humphreys has awarded €45,000 towards planning the redevelopment of the Courthouse at Newport.

The funding is included in a total allocation to locations in Co Tipperary of €934,000, which has been awarded to seven locations in the county, including Ballina and Lorrha in North Tipperary and Cashel, Templemore, Tipperary Town, Mullinahone in South Tipperary.

The funding allocated to Newport is for a feasibility and options report for the redevelopment of the courthouse into a community space, including all surveys, and to progress through to planning including design.

The building has not been used for sittings of the District Court for several years, but the solid stone building remains in good condition.

To the rear is the Bridewell, which was built more than a century and half ago and is described as one of the finest surviving of its kind in Ireland.

Its interior is notably intact and thus has particular interest for penal history, with the survival of stone stairways and landings supported on decorative brackets

Ballina is to receive €360,000 for the provision of an access promenade and viewing area across the river Shannon, to drive tourist and local footfall activity, to enhance the accessibility to public outdoor recreational area, creating a conduit connecting the amenities and business area of the town of Ballina.

Lorrha is receiving €238,937 to extend the community hall and to renovate existing space at St Ruadhán's hall to provide a community centre and remote working hub that complements the existing community services (café and shop) provided by the community centre.

Mullinahone to receive €95,000 for the conversion of a derelict section of Mullinahone Community Centre to provide space for a community digital hub. Templemore to receive €51,075 for the installation of an inclusive outdoor gym facility. The proposal states also that another element to the project will be to install a low safety fence to make safer the boundary of the existing town park along the roadway within the park.

Tipperary Town receiving €100,000 under the Streetscape Enhancement Measure.

Cashel was awarded €44,058 for a feasibility study to develop business case for development of a digital hub in Cashel and evaluation of the selected building to host the hub, including site/architectural surveys, design and planning, floor plan, and preliminary cost estimate.

Senator Garret Ahearn said: “This funding is about tackling the scourge of vacancy and dereliction in our rural towns and villages. It is about taking old buildings and giving them a new lease of life in addition to rejuvenating the centre of our towns by developing public plazas, town parks, community gardens and sports facilities for the benefit of local families.

“It’s the largest ever investment under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme and demonstrates governments commitment to rural communities.”