A fatal shooting of young man in Silvermines pub a century ago recalled

Shooting dead of Templederry native in 'Mines pub 100 years ago

In our weekly Times Past column from The Guardian archives of a century ago comes this report from our issue of January 6 1923 of the shooting dead of a young man in a pub in Silvermines. The shooting occurred at the heights of the Irish Civil War:


On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Jas O' Brien, coroner for North Tipperary, held an inquest in the Boardroom of the Nenagh Workhouse touching the death of Private William Hogan, aged 21 years, unmarried, and a native of Templederry, who was shot dead by an unknown man in Mr Devane's publichouse, Silvermines, about eight o' clock the previous evening. With the deceased at the time of the shooting were three soldiers, named Shanahan, Kelly and Morgan, and all of whom were unarmed and off duty at the time.

The first witness examined was Private Thomas Shanahan, who stated in reply to the coroner, that he was stationed with the deceased at the Silvermines. About 6.30 deceased and witness entered Mr Devane's public house, and later on were joined by Privates Morgan and Kelly. All four were at the counter together.

Private Shanahan said a tall man, about six feet high, opened the door. He had a revolver in his hand and fired into Hogan, who was standing at the counter.

Witness said the attacker wore a velour hat, black overcoat and a bandolier of ammunition around his body. He was carrying a Webley One revolver and when he fired the first shot Hogan fell.

He fired a second shot, after a pause and Hogan cried out that he was hit and fell to the floor. The man who fired did not say anything and immediately left.

Witness said he went to Hogan's assistance. “He said he was dying, and asked for the priest. He was bleeding from over the heart. We got Father Vaughan at once and he attended him.”

Witness said they carried Hogan into a room off the shop where he died in a few minutes.

The coroner, addressing the jury, said there could be no doubt that the deceased was deliberately shot dead. It was a dreadful occurrence at the opening of the New Year. Too much blood had already been shed in the neighbourhood and it was shocking to think that the New Year should start like this.