The Pier Head at Killaloe

Irresponsible parking in Killaloe

During the summer, Killaloe Coast Guard experienced difficulty in accessing its base at the Pier Head due to irresponsible parking on the roadway leading to the base. Last week, Clare County Fire and Rescue Service personnel from the Killaloe station experienced a similar problem when, having been requested to assist the National Ambulance Service at a medical emergency at Ballycuggeran Hill, access was impossible due to irresponsible parking.

This area is very popular with hillwalkers and has been particularly busy over the Christmas period and on arrival at the Ballycuggeran Hill carpark, the fire crews’ way was blocked by cars and access to the casualty was only possible on foot. The fire service personnel succeeded in administering first-aid and remained with the patient until ambulance paramedics arrived. The patient was removed to hospital by ambulance for further treatment.

Concern has been expressed about parking at this amenity and motorists are requested to park in a responsible manner that will not prevent our emergency services responding to incidents.