Deirdre Ryan’s funeral passing the constituency office of Alan Kelly, TD, at Summerhill, Nenagh, were she used to work. The Guard of Honour was provided by the Labour Party, Concern, Suaimhneas, A-Team Youth Club, Nenagh Players and Dromineer Nenagh Literary Festival. Photo: Bridget Delaney

A ‘generous, warm and witty lady’

Tributes to the late Deirdre Ryan of Nenagh

Shock and sadness pervades in Nenagh since news emerged of the untimely death of highly-popular local woman Deirdre Ryan.

Deirdre, of the Ryan family that once ran the Half Door bar and restaurant on Summerhill, died on Friday, December 30, at the age of 54. Known for her dedication to helping others throughout her life, Deirdre was a loyal member of the Labour Party and had worked at local TD Alan Kelly's constituency office in Nenagh.

Paying tribute to his friend and colleague on Facebook, Deputy Kelly described Deirdre as “the heart and soul of the office” during the 14 years she had worked there since joining in 2008. “Many people worked with Dee in the office over the years and while we always got the work done, the banter and fun we had was so memorable,” Deputy Kelly said.

“Deirdre knew everyone in and around Nenagh and further afield. She would go to huge efforts to help people. She had a wealth of knowledge and was involved in so many local organisations and charities, always giving her time willingly. She had a great wit and I can still see the lads in the office bent over laughing when she’d come out with one of her famous one-liners!”

Deputy Kelly recalled how Deirdre had worked tirelessly during not just his many election campaigns but also those of former councillors Virginia O’Dowd (for whom Deirdre was Director of Elections), Lalor McGee and Sean Creamer; current councillor Fiona Bonfield, and 2019 local election candidate Louise Morgan Walsh. “She served the party with enthusiasm, energy and dedication,” Deputy Kelly said, adding, “she will be greatly missed by everyone in the Labour Party in Tipperary.”

In honour of Deirdre’s memory, the local TD said he would be making a donation to Suaimhneas Cancer Support Centre in Nenagh. “Deirdre had a great affection for the unbelievable work they do and we often spoke about it, and we both know many families who have benefitted from their care during very difficult times.”


Joining the tributes, Cllr Fiona Bonfield said she found it hard to believe that Deirdre is gone. “Heaven has gained the most caring, loyal, witty, generous human being I have ever known,” Cllr Bonfield said. “I will never forget what you did for so many, always putting others first.”

Heartbroken with the news that her friend had been “taken too soon”, Louise Morgan Walsh spoke of the deceased as “a beautiful, selfless person who helped everyone”.

“Deirdre was the best,”Ms Morgan Walsh wrote. “Her wit and sense of humour always made us laugh. Deidre was always there for me. She gave me advice on everything - political and life.”

Former Nenagh and Tipperary councillor and mayor of Nenagh Virginia O'Dowd said that she was devastated by the passing of her good friend.

“Deirdre was my director of elections and I would not have been elected but for her tireless work,” she said. “But more than that, she was a friend. She was part of our family, and we shared great moments together.

“We will miss her around the table. She was a generous, warm and witty lady. Our sympathies to all her family, whom she adored.”

Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik joined those leaving messages of condolence on the website. “We will miss Deirdre's immense warmth and kindness, her sense of humour, and the strong engagement she had with family, friends and community,” Ms Bacik wrote. “She was always such great company, and we had lovely times together.”

Former party leader Joan Burton also featured among the multitude of condolences on, as did former General Secretary of the ICTU and CEO of Concern Worldwide David Begg, who mentioned fond memories of working with Deirdre in Concern. “She was a very vibrant and committed person,” Mr Begg said.


Several Nenagh groups joined in the tributes, including the North Tipperary Hospice-run Suaimhneas Cancer Support Centre. “Deirdre was a valued volunteer at Suaimhneas Cancer Support Centre. We will miss her good humour and empathy.”

The A-Team youth club for people with autism also extended sympathy to the Ryan family. “We had the privilege of getting to know Deirdre since the summer of 2022 when she stepped in as a much-needed and extremely capable volunteer,” the A-Team committee stated.

“We will always remember Deirdre for her contribution to our new club. She believed in us and gave us confidence. Deirdre was smart, insightful, astute and generous. She cared about people. We will miss her.”

Deirdre was also a very valued member and friend of the Nenagh Players drama group. “Deirdre has served on the committee over the years, on or off,” the group posted on Facebook. “She was always there to assist with her smile and great sense of humour. Deirdre, you will be greatly missed.”

Deirdre's brother Dermot took the opportunity to thank everyone who has passed on their condolences, “and shared the many happy memories of our beloved sister Deirdre”.

Predeceased by her beloved parents John and Susan, Deirdre's passing is deeply regretted by her loving brothers Denis, Joe, Liam, Damian and Dermot; sisters-in-law Jillian, Martina, Rita and Stefanie; brother-in-law Martin, nephew Cianan, nieces Sadhbh, Sorcha, Emily, Brianna, Doireann, Molly and Katie; and many devoted relatives and friends.

Deirdre's funeral Mass took place in St Mary of the Rosary Church last Thursday, followed by cremation at Shannon Crematorium.

May she rest in peace.