A special edition of the Newport Parish Annual is being published to record stories of Covid-19 experiences within the area.

A parish annual of memories

Appeal for submissions from local community

Individuals, families, community groups and organisations within the area are being invited to record for history their memories of the challenges and experiences of the 2020-2022 pandemic.

A true record of living, life and loss experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic is being compiled as a historical archive publication for the benefit of future generations.

The pandemic ranked among the biggest world-wide events in centuries.

People in every walk of life and every profession were affected in different ways. Believers were denied the right to attend at the celebration of Mass in churches for the first time since the Penal Days. Free movement was restricted to within a few kilometres of home.

Visits to loved ones being cared for in nursing homes weren't allowed in the normal way. Those in the medical professions worked through experiences that they will never ever forget caring for the sick and the dying.

Work from home became the norm for the majority. Schools were closed while students studied online. The majority of normal services were restricted or cancelled.

All social engagement were prohibited for long periods and entertainers had all of their bookings cancelled overnight. Weddings were limited to a few people attending - if allowed to take place at all - and many had to be rearranged several times.

In centuries to come the experiences during the world wide pandemic will be talked of and memories recalled of one of the biggest world events in history.

To contribute to an accurate record of experiences endured in this area, Newport News Parish Annual Committee have taken the decision to produce a special edition dedicated to people within the community telling their own stories of their experiences.

It will be the voice of ordinary people, telling their extraordinary stories of how Covid-19 affected their lives and that of their family members - a record for families and community members to pass on to the next generation.

Production has commenced and it is scheduled to be published for this Easter.

Individuals, families, and community groups are being invited to submit stories of their experiences of the period, the challenges they had to cope with, and memories indelibly planted, as well as accounts by those who had to grieve the loss of a loved one in very unusual circumstances.

All submissions will be very welcome and considered for publication. The stories, including pictures (optional) in jpeg format should be sent to newportnewsbook@gmail.com with a deadline of Friday, February 24.

Some areas have put their memories in time capsules. Be a part of letting Newport record the memories in printed format.