Fionnuala Fallon will give a talk on making a cutting garden and demonstrate a foam free arrangement, on March 29

AGM of Nenagh Flower and Garden Club

The AGM of Nenagh Flower and Garden Club was held on January 25 in the Pastoral Centre and was very well attended. Reports were delivered by the secretary, treasurer and chairperson. Nives Healy, our competition secretary, announced the winners of the Growers and Floral Art competitions and presented the prizes. After the formalities, we had delicious cakes made by the committee with tea and coffee. The room was buzzing with chat and atmosphere. Aileen Hogan of, Ireland am and Fleetwood gave us a super demonstration, showing us how to make a nice tall wooden planter. Measurements and technical details were quickly jotted down by all present. Aileen showed us innovative ways of making unique cake stands, from wooden egg cups, chopping board/candlesticks and wooden bowls. She advised us on painting solutions. This was followed by a question and answer session. Aileen is bringing out a new range of paints with Fleetwood, which will be available in Woodies. Everyone was very engaged with the talk and excited about trying out some of the items shown.

There was a raffle with lots of prizes, including beautiful floral arrangements made by Angel Donovan and Mary Doyle, along with other prizes donated by committee members. A hat full of seeds collected by members was left for people to help themselves, with the caveat that they would bring back a plant for the plant sale if germination successful! It was decided to increase membership fee to €35, visitors to €10 and Christmas gala visitors €15/members €5. Next club night is in Abbey Court Hotel on Wednesday, February 22, with a talk on Snowdrops by Assumpta Bloomfield. Flower farmer and Irish Times journalist Fionnuala Fallon will give a talk on making a cutting garden and demonstrate a foam free arrangement, on March 29. We voted to submit Irish Autism Action as the charity to AOIFA for 2023 to 2025.

Officers are as follows:

Lulu Bergin – chairperson; Lorna Mooney, secretary with Frances Chadwick as assistant secretary. Angel Donovan, treasurer assisted by Una Caulfield. Amy O’Sullivan, competition secretary, assisted by Geraldine Cronin. PRO Nuala Freeman assisted by Margaret Kennedy. Mary Doyle raffle, organiser. Welcome to Margaret Collins, a new committee member and Geraldine Cronin, who returns to the committee. Farewell to Nives our competition secretary who has kept the scores efficiently for the past four years. All are welcome to our club night on Wednesday, February 22, in the Abbey Court Hotel.