North Tipperary Development Company’s Chairperson Jim Finn will welcome Minister Joe O’Brien to Roscrea next Monday to launch the new NTDC Strategic Plan.

Roscrea hosts launch of new Strategic Plan

Minister Joe O’Brien comes to Roscrea next Monday to launch the new Strategic Plan developed by North Tipperary Development Company (NTDC).

NTDC provides a wide range of supports to over 10,000 individuals and 200 groups across the county each year and the new plan has been developed to guide the organisation, its board and 75 employees in the period until 2025.

The Minister for Community Development and Charities has responsibility across three government departments that provide funding to NTDC, particularly in the area of social inclusion and rural development.

In the recent ministerial reshuffle, he was given extra responsibility at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to add to his roles at Social Protection and Rural & Community Development.

Prior to his entry into full-time political representation, the north Cork native worked in the areas of human rights and homelessness. In recent years, he has been responsible for securing increased budgets for the national social inclusion programme, SICAP and for getting approval to key changes in CE, Tús and Rural Social Scheme, all of which are operated locally by NTDC.

The event takes place at the Roscrea Community Centre at 10am, next Monday, February 13.

For the remainder of the day, North Tipperary Development Company are organising a programme of events to showcase community and social inclusion facilities in the county to the minister and his officials.