A number of workshops are to take place regarding a masterplan for Roscrea's town centre. Photo: PJ Wright

Have your say on Roscrea

Roscrea is one of 26 towns across the country that has received funding to develop a Town Centre First Masterplan, which aims to map out future development, focus on tackling dereliction and vacant properties, and make the town centre a more attractive place to live, work, socialise and run a business. This initiative aims to help re-imagine and revitalise rural communities as part of the National Town Centre First Policy.

The process is currently underway and is supported by Tipperary County Council and the Roscrea Town Team, which was formed in January 2023. The Town Champion and the Council’s Town Regeneration Officer will work closely with the Town Team over the coming months to deliver a new Town Centre First Plan for Roscrea. This will involve collaborating with the public and private sector, public participation, engagement, and capacity building.

A team of consultants led by O’Mahony Pike Architects have been commissioned by Tipperary County Council to undertake a Town Centre First Masterplan for Roscrea in collaboration with the Town Team. The plan will guide the regeneration of the town and provide the basis for future funding applications by the local authority. For the plan to best fit the needs of the town and those who live and work in it, it will be important to hear from the people it is designed to help.

Accordingly, the Town Regeneration Officer and the Town Team have arranged for O’Mahony Pike Architects and KPMG Future Analytics to host two in-person workshops as part of the ongoing consultation for the ‘Roscrea Town Centre First Plan’. Town Champion, Brian King commented: “The workshops will directly feed into the development of the Town Centre Masterplan and provide a deeper understanding of the concerns of locals. We hope that the people of Roscrea will give their opinions and input into the Masterplan by participating in the workshops.”

Town Regeneration Officer with Tipperary County Council, Áine Mc Carthy added: “Local communities and local businesses can be central to re-imagining their own towns and planning their own futures. The Town Centre First policy is focused on supporting the town team of the local community in taking action to develop and regenerate the town” and she is encouraging people in Roscrea to engage and participate in the workshops to have their views heard.

Members of the community are invited to attend either workshop to give their views on Roscrea and learn about the project.


The workshops will be held in the Black Mills, Church St. Roscrea

Workshop 1, March 11: 1:30pm – 3pm

Workshop 2, March 15: 7pm – 8:30pm

For those who cannot attend an in-person session there will also be an online workshop at 7pm, March 14.

Finally, there are two online surveys available from March 1-22. One is for the community, the other for the business sector.

Please visit www.tipperarycoco.ie/roscreatowncentrefirstplan for further details.