The public is urged to be mindful of older people that may be in need of some support.

Check up on elderly during cold spell

ALONE, the national charity that enables older people to age at home is reminding the public that older people are particularly vulnerable to harm during the cold weather.

It is important for older people in the community to stay safe and warm during the harsh weather conditions such as this. We ask the general public to be mindful of older people that may be in need of some support. ALONE advises older people to keep their homes warm during cold weather, salt their paths outside to avoid slipping, take caution when taking trips outside of the home and if you need any support to call ALONE’s National Support and Referral Line at 0818 222 024 which is open from 8am to 8pm every day.

ALONE CEO, Seán Moynihan commented: “We are calling on members of the public to remember their older neighbours living alone and to consider their needs; the cold weather may not last very long, but it could take place on a very important day for an older person that you know. They may have a doctor’s appointment, need to do food shopping or visit family, the cold weather affects everyone but older people continue to need the support of their friends and community. Whether it is collecting some fuel for them or just calling to say hi, a little thought goes along way to someone living alone or in need of assistance.”

ALONE is among the key partners in the cross-Government ‘Stay Warm and Well’ public information campaign, which urges householders and businesses to ensure that they are availing of the supports that are in place to help all of us through this winter. The organisation is asking people to stay warm and well this winter and to know that help is available if they need it over the coming weeks and months.

Contact ALONE on 0818 222 024 if you have concerns about your own wellbeing, or the wellbeing of an older person in the community. Further information, including advice and tips for older people in extreme weather conditions, can be found on .