The next meeting takes place on Monday, March 20 for the Odhran Pastoral Area in the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh at 7.30pm.

Meetings on structures of Killaloe diocese

The diocese of Killaloe has started a process of reflection, prayer, discernment and conversation to enable us to make informed decisions about the future structures of the parishes, pastoral areas and diocese.

This is in the face of dramatically falling numbers of clergy, declining practice rates, ever-growing challenges in encouraging voluntary activity, increased costs of running Churches and related activities.

The process began with two meetings in January and February, one at each side of the diocese, with two presentations suggesting ways forward. While there were differences in approach between the two presentations, there was also much similarity in naming the issues to be addressed but different approaches to the way forward.

What can we do to creatively ease the burden of administration and make more space for pastoral activity, evangelisation, mission and community building? How can we ensure that we have enough resources to ensure compliance, to pay public liability, maintain buildings, pay priests and people working in parishes? What can we do to save our Church communities. Should our pastoral areas be transformed into single parishes?

Should we centralise administration? What can we do to broaden our understanding of ministry to include the ministry of lay people? What training can be provided to those involved if this was to continue to happen?

The hope with these presentations was that it might stimulate thinking right across the diocese so that we can discern a way forward wisely and with as much creativity as possible. What is clear is that we must respond to the dramatic change that is happening in our church while we still have the energy to do something positive to respond.

As a follow on from that 15 pastoral area meetings have been arranged around the diocese to further progress the planning at local level. The outcome of these meetings may have a big impact on the future of the church in your local area. You are warmly welcome to come along to voice your opinion and ensure that your voice is heard. Some of these meetings have taken place, but many are still to come until the end of March.


Details of the meetings along with videos and transcripts of the inputs are available on the link:

Upcoming events include:

Monday, March 20 – Odhran Pastoral Area – Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh – 7.30pm

Tuesday, March 28 – Ollatrim Pastoral Area – Obama Plaza at 7.30pm

Thursday, March 30 – Cois Deirge Pastoral Area – Borrisokane Community College – 8pm.