Participants in the launch of the Green Exercise Programme at Nenagh Castle last year. Photo: Bridget Delaney

Make the most of getting outdoors this March

Two healthy programmes from Silver Arch Family Resource Centre

Following the success of last year’s range of outdoor programmes, Silver Arch Family Resource Centre, Tipperary Sports Partnership, HSE Health and Wellbeing Service and Tipperary LEADER are delighted to once again offer two exciting and fun opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.

A growing body of research has shown that many health conditions can be prevented or improved not just by physical activity, by doing so out in the fresh air and surrounded by nature.

It was with that in mind that the Green Exercise Programme was launched. It is a free and accessible physical activity programme that aims to promote health and wellbeing outdoors.

It is recommended to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, but it can be difficult to get started, be it not finding time, feeling self-conscious exercising in a gym or swimming pool, or simply not knowing how to get started with exercise. The Green Exercise Programme can help people enjoy exercise in a gentle and supportive way, and in doing so, can prevent or help improve issues around overweight and obesity, poor mental health and isolation.

In partnership with HSE Health and Wellbeing and Tipperary Sports Partnership, this programme is being co-ordinated by Silver Arch Family Resource Centre. Starting Tuesday, March 21, at 2pm at Nenagh Castle, for once a week over 12 weeks, with each session lasting between 30 minutes and one hour, it includes warm-up exercises, gentle walking, and end of session stretches, all helping the participants improve mobility, muscle strength, posture and aerobic activity, all under the expertise of qualified fitness instructor Fiona Ward of FX Fitness.


Protecting our environment and health has never been more important, and gardening and being out in nature is an enjoyable way to mind both. The long evenings have seen the return of the Tidy Towns volunteers who, armed with enthusiasm, are preparing beds and borders for the summer. Communities are also working hard to balance the needs of people and biodiversity, and this is an area where they can struggle.

Albert Nolan will be running two biodiversity sessions that will explore the wealth of wildlife found in Nenagh Community Garden and the surrounding urban landscape. This is funded through Tipperary LEADER and is part of a series of biodiversity workshops that have been run throughout Tipperary over the last year.

On Saturday, March 25, and Saturday, April 8, from 10-12pm there will be great chat and planting as young and old enjoy learning to grow their own healthy vegetables and look at ideas for projects that will encourage more bees, butterflies, birds and wildlife. And this will include an Easter Egg Hunt with a difference in the Community Garden on Saturday, April 8, from 10am that not only will be fun but will help children explore the magic that is in the green spaces around them!

"Last year saw a great response from both of these programmes," said Noelle Clancy, Co-ordinator with Silver Arch Family Resource Centre. “The aim of these programmes is not only to offer a support to people wanting to ease themselves back into exercise or learn how to use what is around them, but it’s also a lovely way of bringing people together, and the success of this was evident in seeing everyone chatting to each other as they got moving and growing.”

With the weather getting better and the evenings getting longer, Silver Arch Family Resource Centre hopes that it will encourage everyone to get outdoors this March. If you are planning on starting back walking, Tipperary Sports Partnership have some good tips to get you going:

Start slowly – only walk for as long as feels comfortable. This might only be for a few minutes each day, but if you keep walking regularly, you will soon notice that you will be able to walk for longer and it will become easier.

Stay safe – make sure to dress for the weather (a light rain jacket comes in handy), have a hi-vis vest and wear strong and comfortable walking shoes or boots, and don’t forget sunscreen! It is a good idea to have a mobile phone with you in case of emergency too.

Plan ahead – treat your walk like it’s an important appointment. Decide on what time you will walk each day, and have all your gear ready so you will have no excuse to not walk! Maybe even write it into your calendar/diary or set a reminder on your phone so that you will treat your walk as something just as important as all the other things going on in your life.

Places are limited for both of these programmes, so if you would like to join either programme, contact reception at Silver Arch Family Resource Centre, Nenagh. Tel: 067-31800.