“We are looking at total ballpark figures of between €120,000 to €150,000 and we know we are going to have to raise funds ourselves, too." - Funds needed for public playground in Silvermines.

Plans for playground in Silvermines

A PLAN to develop a playground in the village of Silvermines is underway – the parish being one of the few in the locality that does not have such a facility.

A committee to drive the project has been established, and its Chairperson, Lisa O’ Donoghue, confirmed that a site for the facility has been acquired from the Dioceses of Killaloe in the heart of the village.

“There’s no facility like this in the parish at the moment,” said Lisa, who revealed that the committee is examining various streams of State funding that are available to help local communities develop playgrounds.

The site earmarked for the facility is known locally as the Parish Field and is located right beside Hickey’s Pub. It’s a rather large site, and Lisa says she and her fellow members will be looking to develop just a portion of it for the new facility.

She said they were trying to establish if they could obtain funding under the Leader or Clár schemes and were also embarking on drive to raise €60,000 through various fundraisers locally in the coming months and years.

“We are looking at total ballpark figures of between €120,000 to €150,000 and we know we are going to have to raise funds ourselves, too,” said Lisa.

A mother of three young children, aged between five years and six months, Lisa is one of many parents with kids in the parish who could benefit from a locally accessible playground.


The idea for the facility was first hatched by another local parent, Áine Sheehan, who also has three young children and is currently Treasurer of the playground committee.

“In the local GAA club there are over 50 children under five years of age, so we certainly need a playground in the parish,” said Lisa.

Already, funds are being gathered. The committee received a donation from a group of youngsters who raised funds by organising a clothes collection last year.

And now Independence Bikers, a group of local motorbike enthusiasts who raise funds for various charities, are going to donate some of the proceeds at their annual Benefit Night to be held in Hickey’s pub on May 6.

Lisa said the proprietor of the pub, Tommy Hickey, has been a huge supporter of the project, allowing the committee to hold meetings on his premises. “We’re also receiving great support from the Parish Council and the wider community in general,” she added.

The committee feels that one of the nicest amenities in Silvermines is the Fairy and Nature Trail developed by the local enhancement group some years back. Parents backing the playground feel such a facility would really complement the trail.


Your can follow the story of the planned playground on the committee’s social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For those who wish to support the project see the idonate page: www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/sminesplayground. You can also donate by emailing: Silverminesplayground@yahoo.com.