The lifeboat assisted two people on a lakeboat.

Vessel runs aground on Lough Derg

On Friday afternoon, Valentia Coast Guard requested Lough Derg RNLI to launch following a report from a member of the public that a vessel was aground at Castlelough below Parker’s Point.

At 1.55pm Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat Jean Spier launched with helm Eleanor Hooker, Steve Smyth, Chris Parker and Richard Nolan on board. Winds were southwestery, F2. Visibility was good.

At 2.09pm the RNLI lifeboat volunteers could see the casualty vessel at a location close to a woodland shore south of Castlelough. They navigated the lifeboat through safe water close to the casualty vessel. Using local knowledge and onboard navigation tools crew identified the edge of the rocky shoal on which the lakeboat was grounded. Observing the casualty vessel, it was evident it was pivoting on a rock mid-keel.

Carrying a handheld VHF radio and a general purpose line, an RNLI volunteer waded in to the casualty vessel and quickly established that the two people on board were safe and unharmed, and their boat not holed. The RNLI crew requested the skipper to lift their outboard engine to reduce drag whilst he eased the boat off the rock. The engine’s propellers were not damaged after the casualty vessel grounded.

The RNLI volunteer climbed aboard the casualty vessel, which then made way back out to safe water and alongside the lifeboat.

The lifeboat informed Valentia Coast Guard of the situation and of the decision to guide the lakeboat to safe harbour.

Christine O’Malley, Lifeboat Operations Manager at Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat Station urges boat users to ‘wear your lifejacket and carry a means of communication’.