Nenagh Credit Union CEO Pat Naughton. PHOTO: ODHRAN DUCIE

Change in opening hours at Nenagh Credit Union

New financial products on offer

In an ever fast paced and changing financial services environment Nenagh Credit Union continues to grow and expand its services and provide choice to members in how they decide to engage with us. Nenagh Credit Union strive to improve experiences and strengthen relationships with our members offering in-person interactions and digital interactions over a number of services and products.

A new Current Account and Debit Card facilities, together with increased loan products with interest rates ranging from 4.79% to 10.5% and online facilities, are just some of the new products and services introduced. The response to the changes has been fantastic and today it is a professional Financial Services Provider regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, with over 17,500 members and assets of €87 million.

Pat Naughton, CEO of Nenagh Credit Union, said: “Strengthening our core foundations remains a key focus for us here at Nenagh Credit Union. Our ethos remains the same as the day we opened in 1969, being ‘not for profit, not for charity but for service, in accordance with our operating principles based on the philosophy of co-operation, equality and self-help’. We put our members needs at the heart of everything we do. Member needs and requirements have continued to change over the years and Nenagh Credit Union has adapted to these changing demands to ensure that we remain relevant and viable into the future.

“We have invested heavily in technology over the past number of years and introduced online banking and a mobile app. This enables members to apply for membership online, apply for and drawdown loans online, open a current account online, set up direct debits and standing orders, complete transfers and have access to their funds 24/7. We also continue to provide all these options in-person in our office. The feedback to this has been very positive and our membership is increasing.

“We are also very conscious of the impact that increased inflation and interest rates has had on our members. Our lending rates in Nenagh Credit have not increased. To support members who have seen interest rates increase on their personal loans with other lenders, we introduced our Switch and Save Loan at 6.6%, which is available to members who wish to transfer existing loans with other lenders to Nenagh Credit Union including Credit Card Debt and Overdrafts.

“Further enhancements are planned including amended opening hours, from July 3 Nenagh Credit Union will be open Monday – Friday. We have seen a significant reduction in transactions in the office on Saturdays and an increased demand for services on Mondays. The amended opening hours will align our payment services with all other payment providers. Payments (such as Direct Debits, Standing Orders and salaries) process Monday to Friday across all other financial institutions. It will align us with all of the services providers we use in Nenagh Credit Union, which support the provision of services to our members each day.

“We plan to install an ATM machine outside the Credit Union in the coming weeks, which will provide members with additional access to their funds for our Current Account holders as well as the general public. We also plan to launch a Loans Telephone Line, which will enable members to make loan applications over the phone, and re-activation of dormant accounts will be available online later this year.”

Nenagh Credit Union – Opening Hours from July 3

Monday 9.30am – 5pm

Tuesday 9.30am – 5pm

Wednesday 10.30am – 5pm*

Thursday 9.30am – 5pm

Friday 9.30am – 5pm