Members of the Roscrea Conference, SVDP, seen here with Dom Laurence - Eddie Murray, John Lupton, Fr Laurence Walsh, Adrianna Cunningham, Conty Cunningham, George Cunningham, Tony Brennan, Sean Delaney. Photos: PJ Wright

Dimma honoured at SVP

Beside the site of his monastery in Church St, Roscrea’s Dimma was honoured on Saturday when Roscrea native and renowned author Dom Laurence Walsh officially opened Dimma’s Books and Bookstore at the SVP shop.

Dom Laurence traced some of the glory of St Cronan’s in stone and manuscript and congratulated all concerned on the wonderful addition to the town.

Tony Brennan, acting as MC, introduced Con Cunningham, the conference President, to welcome Dom Laurence; Con was delighted to do so and thanked his brother George for initiating and developing the project over the last year.

George Cunningham spoke of the evolution of the collections up to the opening when over 8,000 books are now available for purchase at almost giveaway prices. He thanked shop Manager Eileen, the wonderful volunteers and conference members for their commitment to helping others. In particular George thanked Michael Bracken of Copper Beech estate for his continuing help; also Walsh printers and Peadar King who helped with the shelving. George welcomed Dr John Feehan whose works filled a table on its own; he spoke of a bibliography of John’s publications which he is hoping to publish later on in the year. He thanked Sean Mulrooney of Mulrooney’s Gala for sponsoring the reception with delights from their deli.

As this is Biodiversity Week, a table full of nature/bio/eco books was on display with a tantalising offer: buy three books and get the cheapest one free. Many did so.