Walks organised in memory of Joe and Johnny Starr of Nenagh has raised €6,120 for the North Tipperary Hospice. Pictured is a group making the presentation to the hospice outside Rocky's pub in Kickham Street, Nenagh.

Starr brothers from Nenagh remembered on walks

A NUMBER of walking enthusiasts from Nenagh and surrounding areas, who took part in the 6km event at the Great Limerick Run on April 30 in memory of two Nenagh brothers, the late Joe Starr from Mitchel Street and Johnny Starr from Knockalton, have managed to raise a princely sum for the North Tipperary Hospice.

This is just one of two fundraising events the walkers undertook to generate funds for the hospice.

On Friday, May 19, the walkers held a walk in Nenagh and the surrounding countryside – and now all their endeavours have raised a total of €6,120 for the hospice.

The group, along with members of the Starr family, gathered outside Rocky’s pub in Kickham Street last weekend to present the funds to Paddy Heffernan of the hospice.

Chief Organiser, Pat Delaney, said the hospice was chosen for funds as that is what the Starr brothers would have liked.

Also remembered on the occasion were walking club members, Joe Coleman O’ Connor and Bríd Buckley, who both passed away earlier this year.