Pictured are the four generations are, from left to right: Tom Cleary, grandfather; Madeline Cleary, mother; Emma Cleary, grand-daughter; Vinnie Graham, grandson; Brianna Graham, granddaughter; Dylan Cleary, great grandson.

Four-generation family swim in Nenagh

The Cleary and Graham families are doing a four-generation swim in Nenagh Leisure Centre to raise money to send Vinnie Graham, all-Ireland judo silver medalist, to the International Flower of Inclusion tournament in Loutraki, Greece in October.

Vinnie is part of a team of 25 representing Ireland in Greece.

The Cleary/Graham family and extended family in other parts of the world hope to swim 5k between them. Their ages range from 84 down to 10 years.

Sponsorship or donations are welcome at gofundme.com - Judo Assist Team Ireland Going For Gold.