Cathy O’Connor is spearheading the campaign.

Women Un-branded - a voice for women over 40

Women Un-branded is a social awareness campaign that aims to create social change towards ageing in the fashion and beauty worlds. Spearheaded by stylist, broadcaster, and content creator, Cathy O’Connor, Women Un-branded gives a voice to women over 40 and beyond who have experienced a lack of representation and inclusion in many fashion and beauty brands’ marketing and advertising campaigns.

Women Un-branded recently conducted a survey among women aged 35+, many of whom have significant spending power in the fashion and beauty industries. The survey revealed that 45% of this cohort spend up to €500 per month on fashion, while 61% spend up to €500 per month on beauty. At a time of extraordinary inclusion, many women over 40 feel they are on the outside looking in, and that the brands they are loyal to don’t always represent them in their campaigns. 71% would prefer to see more realistic portrayals of women in brand campaigns. Women Un-branded is calling for a more realistic portrayal of women over 40, highlighting their vivacity, wisdom, and value.

Other key findings from the survey include:

- 47% of those surveyed embrace ageing

- 61% believe that beauty is not defined by age

- 36% strongly feel that their skincare routine contributes to their self-confidence

- Friends are the most influential as 69% said that they are inspired by friends’ style and beauty

- Over a third of women who spoke to Women Un-branded said that they are influenced by magazines (42%) and influencers (39%)

- A third of women are loyal to the brands they feel best represent them

The qualitative findings from the Women Un-branded survey found that women over 40 don’t like being characterised by phrases such as Menopausal, age-appropriate, and middle-aged. The words they find empowering and represent where they are in life include wise, confident, liberated, powerful, vibrant, and free to be themselves.

Commenting on Women Un-branded age activist, Cathy O’Connor, said: “This campaign is the first crucial step with three goals that will challenge societal norms. We aim to; ignite a fresh perspective on ageing, highlight the innate vibrancy and worth of the 'older woman’, and start a transformation that will affect the generations to come.”

With the Women Un-branded campaign, Cathy wants to create awareness and act, and she is encouraging women to champion those who are creating a change. Women Un-branded is calling on women to be aware of which brands communicate with them directly, and if women feel ignored by brands or boutiques they support, speak up in a positive way.

Cathy has many ambitious plans for Women Un-branded including a shoot of real women who own their style across all age ranges from 40+, and even a podcast. As the founder, Cathy is also passionate about the media and brands having access to images of vibrant looking older women so that positive images of age are more available and therefore, may increase visibility.

Women Un-branded is also open to working with agencies worldwide who want to create positive change to help them be inclusive in their work and there are plans for more in-depth research in the future.