In 2022, Jigsaw’s community-based services offered their highest ever number of appointments to young people.

Call for more funding for youth mental health

Jigsaw, the leading youth mental health charity, has warned that the double-whammy of lack of funding and increasing demand is contributing to Ireland’s mental health support services being more stretched than ever before.

At the launch of their latest annual report, Jigsaw have highlighted new data that reveals the growing demand for its support. In 2022, Jigsaw’s community-based services offered their highest ever number of appointments to young people (36,360). This is in response to a consistent rise in the number of referrals that has seen an almost 70% increase since 2017.

Jigsaw has also continued to see significant growth in demand for its online services, with over half-a-million visits to in 2022, a 104% increase on the previous year, and increases in the numbers of Live Chat and email-based support sessions.3

Dr Joseph Duffy, Chief Executive Officer at Jigsaw says: “If we are to respond to this growing demand, something has to give. The current levels of funding, received from the HSE and the public, are simply not enough to maintain existing levels of service, let alone support expansion into new areas or new locations. Increased funding for youth mental services must be made available in Budget 2024. Without it, our services, already stretched and under-resourced, will become overwhelmed."