Parkrun in progress in Borrisokane earlier this year.

Celebration of Borrisokane's 100th parkrun this Saturday

This Saturday, July 29, marks the 100th parkrun at Borrisokane Town park.

What a fantastic occasion this will be, considering the difficulties facing events still recovering from the enforced break due to the global pandemic.

Picture a sunny Saturday or Sunday morning, where people of all ages come together, with many smiles. This collective spirit, fuelled by a shared passion for mental wellbeing, fitness and community, is none other than your local parkrun. For many years, the world over, parkruns have been the beating heart of neighbourhoods, fostering inclusivity, health and unity. However, unlike many commercial enterprises, parkruns are built and sustained by the community, for the community. They rely on the passion and dedication of volunteers who selflessly devote their time to ensuring the smooth running of each event.

Your local parkrun can be used as an extraordinary tool that not only promotes physical and mental wellbeing for people but also serves as a catalyst for building lasting community relations. While most parkruns have a good pool of attendees and volunteers other events operating in smaller communities are more limited.

So come along this Saturday and celebrate all things community. Why not walk, jog, run, volunteer or even support those participating. 9.30am in Borrisokane Town park. Oh, and there will be cake!