State-funded Carers will be paid at least the National Living Wage of €13.10 per hour.

Welcome for rise in HSE Funded Carers Wage

Deputy Michael Lowry has welcomed the decision by the Government to increase the amount paid to Home Carers working with companies contracted to provide HSE-funded Home Care support. In addition, the time spent travelling from one location to another will also be included as part of their working day for the first time.

However, the Tipperary Deputy has cautioned against any move to cut the number of Home Support Hours allocated to those receiving care, describing this as a retrograde decision and the very opposite of what is required.

"For the first time, State-funded Carers will be paid at least the National Living Wage of €13.10 per hour. This is something I welcome and have called for on several occasions. It is a decision that should have been made long before now, due to the invaluable service that Home Carers provide to the elderly and those with disabilities in their own homes.

"By making the announcement on Friday on increasing the level of payment to Home Carers, Government is hoping that more people will train to work as Carers or return to work in this sector. That would be a positive and welcome development’ he says.

"However, combining this positive move with one that involves reducing the number of hours that a Home Care recipient receives is like giving with one hand and taking back with the other.

"There has already been a nationwide call to have Home Care hours increased, so doing the opposite is not a constructive way forward for Home Care in Ireland," he says.