Council receives 258 notices to quit
Tipperary Co Council has been notified of 258 notices to quit (NTQs) to date in 2023.
NTQ applicants are people in the Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) and Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) sector who have been given a notice to quit as a result of landlords moving out of the private rental market.
The council has purchased 60 NTQ properties to date. Of the remaining 198 notices, a further 32 properties are at various stages of consideration for purchase.
This month's Housing report outlined that Tipperary Co Council would continue to focus on solutions for those in immediate need over prioritising NTQs that come to fruition in the next two months. The council's HAP Place-finders are working with all NTQ recipients to assist them in finding alternative accommodation.
"It is important that recipients of NTQs make contact immediately with the council on receipt of an NTQ," the report stated. An information sheet is available on the council's website.
The report furthermore advised that the council can assist people who do not qualify for social housing and who have received a NTQ. The council has already dealt with a number of queries in this category.