Organiser Pam Troy with coaches, volunteers and members of the Church of Ireland, the Methodist Church, the Roscrea Parish and Oasis Christian Fellowship, Cityrise Church in Houston Texas, and over 50 boys and girls who enjoyed a week-long summer camp. Photos: PJ Wright

Successful kids camp takes place in Roscrea

The week-long kids camp was organised by the Church of Ireland, the Methodist Church, the Roscrea Parish and Oasis Christian Fellowship, but this week would not have been possible without the help from the wonderful team that came from Cityrise Church in Houston, Texas.

The planning for this camp started with a dream that Bobby O'Neal and his late wife Aleta O'Neal had for the young people of Roscrea. They both attended Cityrise Church where multiple annual mission trips take place to various places around the world. Bobby and Aleta went back to Cityrise with their dream and shared it with everyone in their church.

Last year the missions director from Cityrise Chuck Oak and his wife Karen came to visit Roscrea and decided to make this dream a reality. Collectively with the help of all the churches in Roscrea, this camp was an amazing experience. We are so grateful for all the help and prayers that came from the Cityrise and their wonderful team. Each day the kids did some fun games, sports, dances, crafts and listened to a bible story. Over the course of the week they learned more, made new friends and it was all in all a great experience. The week came to a close with a fantastic barbecue for all the kids and their families to enjoy.

We would like to thank Reverend Jane Galbraith from the Church of Ireland, Reverend Denis Maguire from the Methodist Church, Father John Molloy and Father Antun Pasalic from the Roscrea Parish, Pastor Pam Troy from Oasis Christian Fellowship and the Cityrise team led by Eric and Kristen Campbell. Huge thanks to everyone in the four churches, Cityrise, all the kids who attended the camp and to Andrew Walsh for providing transportation for the team.