Lough Derg RNLI launch their lifeboat near Terryglass Bay

Lough Derg RNLI assists 2 people on a 40ft cruiser with engine failure

At noon today, Thursday 10 August, Valentia Coast Guard requested Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat to launch to assist 2 people on a 40ft cruiser with engine failure and at anchor by navigation buoy H close to Terryglass Bay.

At 12.11pm Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat Jean Spier launched with helm Steve Smyth, and Eleanor Hooker, Chris Parker and Joe O’Donoghue on board. The wind was south-easterly Force 4/5, visibility was good.

At 12.35pm the lifeboat located the casualty vessel and came alongside to transfer an RNLI volunteer across to assess the situation. Both people on board were safe and unharmed and wearing their lifejackets.

The RNLI crew reported back to the lifeboat that the vessel was dragging its anchor slightly and at risk of being dragged into rocky and shallow water. The helm made the decision to take the vessel with her passengers, and with the RNLI crew member remaining on board, to the closest safe harbour. The lifeboat informed Valentia Coast Guard of the decision.

RNLI crew quickly set up for the tow. At 12.43pm the lifeboat had the casualty vessel under an astern tow to Terryglass Harbour. On constant lookout, the lifeboat crew kept the helm appraised of the dense traffic on the lake also making way for the Terryglass Harbour.

The helm informed crew on the lifeboat and on the casualty vessel that in order to navigate the narrow channel into the harbour, he was going to take the tow head to weather and to prepare for an alongside tow. The helm manoeuvred the lifeboat into position and crew changed from an astern to an alongside tow.

As the harbour was full, at 1.16pm the lifeboat safely moored the casualty vessel on the outer wall of the harbour.

The lifeboat departed the scene at 1.43pm and was back at station, washed down and refuelled at 2.16pm.

Aoife Kennedy, Deputy Launching Authority at Lough Derg RNLI advises boat users ‘if you find yourself in difficulty dial 112 or 999 and ask for the Coast Guard’.

Earlier in the week, on Sunday afternoon, 6 August, Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat was requested to launch to assist 3 people on a vessel taking on water and in danger of sinking outside Garrykennedy Harbour.

At 2.08pm the lifeboat launched with helm Eleanor Hooker, Joe O’Donoghue and Richard Nolan on board.

At 2.15pm the lifeboat was stood down by Valentia Coast Guard, who informed the crew that a vessel close by had towed the casualty vessel into the harbour and that it was now safely moored alongside.