Podium for Lough Derg Yachter Donagh
Twelve-year-old Maeve Donagh, representing Lough Derg Yacht Club in Dromineer, won a bronze trophy at the Great Britain & Open Optimist National Championships in Weymouth & Portland, UK last weekend.
There were five days of grueling weather conditions and fifteen races sailed, with 84 competitors in the fleet so Maeve getting a podium place in third place in the Fleet was a superb achievement. She also received the first overseas prize and the first girl placement.
She was one of six sailors from Lough Derg Yacht Club to travel to the UK to compete, joined by her sisters Lily, Emily and Kate, along with fellow sisters Aoife & Clara McElligott.
The optimist is a starter sailing dinghy, it looks with a wash tub on the water with one sail. It is a perfect starter sailing boat for young children ages 9-15.
Loug Derg Yacht Club organised a junior sailing training program in the month of July as well as schools sailing during the school year. Check out the club at www.ldyc.com