A Book of Condolence is also available online.

Book of Condolences opens for road traffic victims

Councillor Ger Darcy, Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, together with Councillor Richie Molloy, Mayor of Clonmel, has opened Books of Condolence for Zoey Coffey, Nicole (Nikki) Murphy, Grace McSweeney and Luke McSweeney, RIP.

Book of Condolence opened at Clonmel Civic Offices today at 11am and Books of Condolence will open at each Civic and Municipal District Office in Tipperary from 2pm on Monday and will remain open for one week.

A Book of Condolence will also be available online at www.tipperarycoco.ie from 2pm today.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.