‘Third Time Lucky’ for Marie

Local author to launch new book in Ballina this Saturday

Whatever happened to stumbling across the love of your life? Or to eyes meeting across a crowded room?

The ballroom of romance no longer exists so how do couples meet and fall in love in the 21st century? It is a question that Marie O’Connell has spent some time evaluating. She feels online dating is changing the way we think about finding love. Growing up we all felt that love was something you could bump into unexpectedly, during a random meeting, at a social occasion, or even at work. Other stories were that ‘love is blind’, that ‘princes arrive to rescue their princess’ or that ‘love can be at first sight’.

These concepts are challenged when you are online dating. You are not bumping into love; you are searching for it.

A resident of Ballina, Marie O’Connell’s second book, explores what to expect when online dating in Ireland. The book ‘Third Time Lucky’ is being launched in ‘The Washerwoman’ Ballina, on Saturday September 2nd.

A Co Clare native, Marie has spent most of her time living in North Tipperary, firstly in Birdhill, before moving to Ballina. She was involved with the local choir, youth club and drama group, playing a leading role with the Nenagh Players and Derg Players Ballina.

In her youth, Marie’s short stories won her the opportunity to represent Ireland at an international youth conference in Strasbourg. This she said was an eye-opener to a young Irish lady. Even when going to work in the Civil Service in Dublin, Marie returned to Clare every weekend, until she was transferred to Tipperary.


Working in the University of Limerick, Marie says writing is her passion. Having worked as a pastoral worker in the Diocese of Killaloe, she is a teacher, a community worker, and a voice for women everywhere. She does her best writing in cafes, on park benches, and at home in Ballina/Killaloe.

A mother-of-three, she found herself looking to meet someone and was blown away by online dating. Marie shares her story to offer others support in their search for love. She provides evidence of what can be achieved and overcome when dating at a certain age. ‘Third Time Lucky’ is not only a dating book it is a book about starting over. Starting over after break-ups, divorce, and loss. You can read how other people started over and this may benefit you.

“Only you can make your world a better place by living a life full of passion, joy and love,” Marie says.

Never having the opportunity to go to college, Marie returned to Mary Immaculate College in Limerick as a mature student and completed an Arts degree in English and Theology before going on to do a post-grad and a masters in adult and continuing education.

After graduating, Marie began work with the Diocese of Killaloe where she gained amazing insight and knowledge into local people and communities. She believes all people need connection and it is time to embrace our best life.

“It would be fantastic if every member of the community could exercise a more active role in living the life they want,” she says.


Marie believes we all need connection, and it is something we can have. ‘Third Time lucky’ is about the adventures in looking for that connection as well as letting you know what to expect when starting to go online date. Dating now is very different from previous decades.

This book will teach you how to become a relationship detective by considering the clues and hidden messages within the words and messages online. Marie has a vision of a world where everyone is accepted and where we are all open to love and finding that someone to share love with.

The idea for the book came after Marie began online dating and realised it was a world of confusion. It was a quagmire. Falling in love today follows a very different trajectory than ever before. You have to go out and find it. Online dating pushes you to be proactive to go and search for your person.

No more sitting at home or no more attending the ballroom of romance. Instead of meeting someone through friends, dating is often now a private, compartmentalised activity. Dating is separated from the rest of your social and family life, and you should be careful. Be prepared and do your research before you start.

Marie writes about dating woes and warnings to ravishing romance. “The true stories of romantic adventures and misadventures will help you spot the difference between Mr Right and Mr Right Now,” she says.


Online dating is so popular now that studies suggest it is becoming the most common way to meet a partner. It has progressed from a situation where it was considered to be weird, stigmatised, and taboo, to being a very normal way to meet someone. It makes the country and the world very small. Written in a light-hearted way ‘Third Time Lucky’ carries an important message of toxic personalities to be aware of as well as learning a whole new terminology like ‘ghosting,’ ‘future-dating,’ breadcrumbing and more.

This book demonstrates how to navigate the tumultuous waters of modern-day courtship. Marie would like to invite all readers to The Washerwoman this Saturday at 7.30pm for the launch of ‘Third Time Lucky’.