Save money, save energy

Web meetings on getting started as a Sustainable Energy Community

This autumn sees a series of short online meetings (by Zoom) for Tipperary community groups and Sustainable Energy Communities (SECs) interested in developing local energy projects. The meetings take place on Wednesday evenings, 8pm, by Zoom, during September and October, beginning this Wednesday, September 6. To confirm your attendance, just text your name and email to 085-7409023 or enter your details at this web address: and you will receive the link for the meeting.

The event will include: Update on supports available under SEAI’s Sustainable Energy Communities Programme;

The process of getting SEAI to fund a local Energy Audits and a energy plan for your community;

Examples of other local community energy projects;

Discussion and questions.

The meeting will be hosted by Gearóid Fitzgibbon, the Sustainable Energy Communities mentor for the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland). People are also welcome to contract Gearóid directly on 085-7409023 or to discuss what supports are available under the Sustainable Energy Communities programme.

The purpose of this webinar is to inform participants of supports available for communities to become more energy efficient and sustainable, and to raise awareness of opportunities for Tipperary groups. The spike in Energy process have brought home the need to reduce the use of energy through reducing waste, insulation, and generation measures. There are a lot of supports to help individuals do this. There are also supports for local community groups, who want to do local energy projects.

What are the opportunities for clubs and community organisations? With energy, we don't normally think of it as being relevant to community groups – communities have a significant role, whether through civic and citizens groups, local energy cooperatives, or through local small-scale utilities, and the local authorities, and there are a range of supports available. Already Tipperary is a leader in this field with social enterprises like Tipperary Energy Agency and Energy Communities Tipperary together securing over €25 million in investment in energy into Tipperary over the last 10 years. This is only the beginning.

The benefits of energy action on a community and local level include: saving money, saving energy; improving health and comfort through more comfortable buildings, creating local employment opportunities, leveraging funding into your community group, helping the national energy transition.