Part of the communal space transformed by residents of Ballygraigue Court.

Nenagh estate up for award

Shortlisted in community category

Ballygraigue Court in Nenagh, has been shortlisted in the ‘Building Community’ category of the ICSH Alliance Community Housing Awards 2023.

Ballygraigue Court was nominated for its recent community project, which transformed green spaces within the estate into biodiverse recreational spaces to benefit residents young and old, as well as the local wildlife.

A group of residents led the project, deciding what features the local community would most benefit from. The project included the creation of a sensory garden, specially designed to be accessible and engaging for children with additional needs, benches where residents can enjoy the space and socialise with their neighbours, and fruit and herb plants that can be used for cooking. The new goal posts have created a focal point for play in the evenings.

Sue Rowley, Housing Officer, Clúid Housing, remarked:

“Coming out of Covid times, many of the residents of Ballygraigue Court felt lonely and isolated.

This project has been a great opportunity for people to reconnect and re-establish the community spirit that was a hallmark on Ballygraigue Court prior to the pandemic.

“As well as inspiring residents to become more involved in their community, the project has also inspired the children to take more interest the environment. They are learning about plants, insects, the seasons and creating a more sustainable future. The Junior Committee even organises a weekly litter pick.

“The project looks set to have a wider impact, with residents from other Clúid schemes taking inspiration from what has been done here in Ballygraigue Court and starting to plan their own projects.”

Linda Gillick, Ballygraigue Court resident, added: “The Ballygraigue Court project has had a massive impact on people’s lives, young and old. The project started just after Covid, which was a very scary time for many. It brought light to people’s lives, as many residents were lonely and isolated. The project brought a community back together and we are forever grateful for this. It gives us a sense of pride and the drive to keep going and continue the great work that’s happening.”

The Community Housing Awards recognise excellence in social housing, with a particular emphasis on innovative and sustainable housing projects.

Following an initial submission and two rounds of judging, the winner will be announced at the ICSH Biennial National Social Housing Conference in Wexford on Wednesday, October 18.