The event will take place from 12 noon – 4pm in Cork.

Informative day on Crohn's and Colitis

Event hosted by the IBD team in the Mercy Hospital

Crohn’s & Colitis Ireland will be holding a patient day in Cork City on September 30 for people living with and impacted by Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Microscopic Colitis.

The day will feature two break out session including:

1.IBD 101 – This session will be hosted by the IBD team in the Mercy Hospital and is aimed at providing all the information needed for someone who is newly diagnosed with IBD.

2.Flare Management – This session will be hosted by the IBD in Cork University Hospital and will provide information on remaining in remission for those living with IBD.

The day will also feature a networking lunch, where participants will have the opportunity to meet others who live with IBD.

The final session of the day will be a panel discussion which features:

1.Prof Subrata Ghosh - Chair and Head of Medicine at UCC and Deputy Director of the AP.

2.Kathleen Sugrue - Advanced Practice Provider in IBD, the Mercy

3.Aideen Stack - Health Psychologist and IBD patient

4.Aoife Walsh - Former Miss Ireland and IBD patient

Aoife Walsh said: “I’m delighted to be coming on board as an ambassador for Crohns and Colitis Ireland. I have been living with Crohn’s disease for 15 years. Initially it took me a long time to admit to myself I might have a bowel problem and it took me a while to seek medical attention and I suffered a lot as a result. I felt embarrassed and I didn’t want to talk about it. Now it is part of my life story and I know there was absolutely no need for me to be embarrassed or hide my condition.

"I think it’s amazing to have a place like Crohns and Colitis Ireland where people have somewhere to recognise if they have IBD symptoms, voice their concerns and the challenges of living with IBD and ultimately seek the right medical attention to improve their standard of living.”

The event will take place from 12 noon – 4pm and you can register on CCI’s website now