This extraordinary true story of the Irish transgender American war hero, Albert DJ Cashier, will be performed at Nenagh Arts Centre on Saturday, October 21.

Thrilling historical play for Nenagh

Quintessence Theatre follow their successful National Tours of Cracks (2018) and The Star of Chester’s Lane (2021) with their thrilling new historical play based on the extraordinary true story of the Irish transgender American war hero, Albert DJ Cashier. This is exciting production visits Nenagh Arts Centre on October 21.

Belvidere, Illinois, 1862: A young Irishman, Albert DJ Cashier, enlists with the Union Army in the Civil War and becomes a decorated hero. But unknown to his comrades, Private Cashier is waging an internal war all of his own. When he is 50 years a veteran, an indiscreet doctor reveals to all of America that Cashier was assigned female at birth, born under the name Jennie Hodgers, from Clogherhead, Co Louth, Ireland.

From that day on Albert’s greatest battle truly begins: for identity, selfhood, and truth. In this original new play devised by the company, Quintessence Theatre, use their innovative physical ensemble storytelling techniques mingled with multi-media of stunning projection and emotive music to dramatise the incredible true story of the Clogherhead-born transgender soldier.

Directed by Anna Simpson (a Creative Associate of the Pleasance Theatre, London, and Practitioner with Shakespeare’s Globe) this exciting, moving and often comedic production, unearths a gem of a tale about a forgotten hero of Irish history, and explores urgent modern questions around gender, self-determination, and human tenacity, paralleling the struggles of the transgender community today.

Quintessence Theatre dedicates itself to exploring the human condition through the most theatrical means available: the actor themselves, their imagination, and embracing the live relationship between actor and audience.

The company is excited to announce that the original ensemble cast who devised the play are all back for the national tour, including: Ceara Carney; Fiona Keenan O’Brien; Anthony Kinahan; Mark O’Reilly and Leah Rossiter.

The Curious Case of Albert Cashier was created in association with Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda and the National Tour is kindly supported by The Arts Council of Ireland.

Previous Audience Reactions:

· “I really loved the play. I was genuinely moved to tears, and so much of it struck a chord with me” Aoife Martin, Trans Equality Network Ireland (TENI)

· “A spellbinding and powerful production”

· “A powerful and absorbing show…Fine ensemble work as we have come to expect and a terrific central performance from Ceara Carney”

· “Entertaining, funny, heart-felt & dramatic”

More About Quintessence Theatre

Founded in 2015 by director Anna Simpson as the inaugural Theatre Company-in-Residence of the An Táin Arts Centre, Dundalk, Quintessence dedicates itself to exploring the human condition through the most theatrical means available to us: the actor themselves, their imagination, and embracing the live relationship between actor and audience.

We believe in play; we believe in collaboration; we believe in amplifying voices not always heard; and we believe in the democraticisation of art: that it should reach people beyond the cultural hubs of large urban populations.

We believe that great work can be made from modest means if you have those quintessential elements: a story, a performer and audience.


The Curious Case of Albert Cashier: Lincoln's ‘Lady’ Soldier will be performed at Nenagh Arts Centre on Saturday, October 21. Tickets are priced €18/€16.

Further details are available at or 067 34400