Ned and Noreen Ryan (seated) who officially opened the Borrisokane Defibrillator in memory of their son Derek, surrounded by their family. Back from left: Yvonne, Eimear, Billy, Siobhan, Eddie, John, Maria, Eamonn, Natalie, Ger, Padraig. Centre: Patrick, Ned, Noreen, Bill. Front: Jack, Brian, Kevin, Emma. Photo: Rose Mannion.

Defibrillator opened in Borrisokane

A new defibrillator in Borrisokane was officially opened on Wednesday, October 18, in memory of the late Derek Ryan.

No-one present seemed bothered about the heavy rain that poured down, all intent and focused on the one aim, to celebrate the officially open access of this piece of life-saving equipment, which is housed on the wall at the front of the Borrisokane Reception Centre.

Derek Ryan was one of eight children, six boys and two girls, born to Ned and Noreen of Moneygall in 1980. His sister Maria recalled that Derek joined the Fire Service in Borrisokane back in November 2010 and in doing so, he re-located to the town, residing in Tower Hill. “It was a job he really loved and was very happy doing it,” she said. On the morning of February 1, 2020, she mentioned how Derek was helping out a friend with some digger work. “He called up to his friend’s house to collect him and when his friend came out, he found Derek slumped over in the digger. He died very suddenly,” she recalled.

Minutes later, his colleagues in the Fire Service arrived and they tried to resuscitate him, but Derek had sadly, already passed away.

A group of people got together some time later with the aim of supplying a defibrillator in Borrisokane to help prevent such death’s occurring in the future. Borrisokane Fire Brigade facilitated the idea, Eddie Ryan SACEO Tipperary Fire Services, supplied the cabinet, Matt Givens and Barbara Tynan, administrators of Borrisokane Reception Centre, also welcomed the project and gave permission for the unit to be installed on the wall outside the centre while Richard and Kathleen Fergal made a contribution to the project.

Last October 2022, Derek’s family and friends got together and ran a first memorial poker classic in which they raised a substantial amount of money which they divided between the Moneygall and Borrisokane Defibrillator groups. In the meantime, the family decided to keep the poker classic going and run one each year. This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 27, in Ollie Hayes’ pub in Moneygall at 8.30pm. Tickets are €20 with buy backs. All money raised will be divided between the two groups again. “It’s a great charity to fund raise for,” commented Maria. “The defibrillator might save somebody’s life in the future, that’s all we would ask for.”