Congratulations to Seán McCarthy, Maab Mohamed, Eric Cullinan, Conor Girard and Baker Al Hlail, who won our First Year Maths Quiz. The boys are pictured with Mr Patrick Kelly and Ms Nicole Roche of the Maths Department.

News from St Joseph's CBS, Nenagh

Junior Cycle Success

Well done to the Junior Cycle Class of 2023 who received their results earlier on Wednesday last. The nerves quickly turned to relief and joy once the envelopes were opened. We are all so proud of you and your achievements! Keep up the good work for your senior cycle!

Maths Week - A Huge Success

Maths Week was a very successful event in the school last week with both staff and students looking forward to the daily maths puzzles, which were given out over the intercom by school Principal Ms Karen O'Donnell.

On Friday, all six First Year classes participated in the eagerly anticipated annual Maths Quiz. The students were divided into teams of five. Ms Nicole Roche and her Transition Year Maths class formulated the questions for the eight rounds and set up the hall in advance. Mr Patrick Kelly served as the Master of Ceremony, providing answers to each round and allowing students to apply mathematical reasoning. A big thank you to our TY students who ensured the smooth running of the maths quiz by distributing, collecting and correcting the questions.

Congratulations to Seán McCarthy, Maab Mohamed, Eric Cullinan, Conor Girard and Baker Al Hlail, who came first. Well done to David Cieslar, Conor Nolan, Bobby Gleeson, Daniel White Alzal and Donnacha Doyle who finished in second place after a tie break round. In third place, out of 33 teams competing, were Luke Slattery, Mikey Ryan, Aaron Galvin, Dan Connolly and Tom Fogarty.

Some TY and Fifth Year students competed in the Irish Maths Teachers Association inaugural Maggie Gough online maths competition. Thanks to all our maths department for planning and delivering a successful maths week here at St Joseph's CBS Nenagh.

Fifth Years enjoy Team Works visit

Fifth Years enjoyed their bonding morning when Team Works visited the school this past week. A great morning was had by one and all.

A competitive edge came to the fore as the team games unfolded. Fifth Year Head, Mr Paul Dolan, was on hand to ensure everything ran smoothly.

This was a valuable experience for all students, allowing new connections to be formed between the year group. This was particularly important given that some students progressed straight to Fifth Year from Third Year in addition to the students who completed Transition Year last year. We hope that the skills of co-operation, collaboration and teamwork will stand to the Fifth Years over the coming year.

Psychotherapist speaks to parents on Internet Safety

Thank you to all the parents and guardians that attended the Internet Safety talk for parents on Tuesday night, by psychotherapist Paula O’Connor, in the Fr Alec Reid Room.

Paula O’Connor was an excellent and informative speaker on the topic of Internet Safety. Paula has a Facebook page where she welcomes questions parents may have on the topic of cyber-bullying. She recommended parents to go on to keep up to date on technology/apps etc their children are using.

Paula also gave a talk to different year groups within the school. Good advice was given on staying safe and being mindful of what you post or send online.

Sixth Year students enjoy Limerick Open Day

Sixth Year students made the trip to Limerick this Friday to visit the Limerick University Open Days. The campuses of the University of Limerick, Technological University of the Shannon and Mary Immaculate College opened their doors to students and showcased all the degree options on offer to the Leaving Certificate Class of 2024. A comprehensive schedule of talks was available in each university, giving students the opportunity to sit in a university lecture hall for the first time and explore their options.

The students tailored the day to their own interests and came away with prospectuses, literature and contacts from the various disciplines. An exciting time for the boys as they set goals for the year ahead. Well done to all for representing the school so well! Thanks to our Guidance Counsellor, Ms Helen O'Connor, who arranging the visit.

U17 Hurlers qualify for the Munster Hurling Final

Well done to our U17 hurlers who have qualified for the Dean Ryan Munster hurling final. The boys won the Munster semi-final versus De La Salle, Waterford.

The boys found themselves six points down at halftime. They showed great determination and skill in the second half to come out on top in tough conditions and win by two points.

They will now face St Flannan’s College Ennis in the final. Well done boys and thanks to their mentors Ms Miriam Campion, Mr Mike Gough and Mr Philip Hickey

U15 soccer team off to a winning start

Our U15 soccer team got their Munster Cup campaign off to a winning start with a 6-1 win over Cashel Community School.

Well done, boys on a great performance. Thanks to their coach Ms Zoe Farrell for all the great work that she does with the boys. Thanks also to Mr. Shane McElroy, who helped out on match day.