Green light for Cloughjordan pitch

Planning permission has been granted for a soccer pitch development in Cloughjordan, despite objections from local residents.

Cloughjordan FC, C/O Eoin Killackey plans alterations to accommodate a longer senior pitch at Townfields. Provision of sideline dug outs are included in the plan, along with a ball stop net to the southern goal end of the junior pitch, and equipment storage sheds, floodlights to the junior pitch area, and site lighting to the carpark, vehicle and pedestrian circulation/walkway areas. The plan also provides for a modular build structure with dressing rooms, toilets and club room, served by a wastewater tank and pump station discharging to the main sewer.

The council received a number of objections from local residents in relation to alleged breaches of previous planning conditions, as well as impact on amenity, among other concerns.

The council’s planner recommended several conditions to the planning permission, including measures to ensure that lighting does “not impact significantly on the amenities of adjoining properties”. Lighting was not to operate outside the hours of 8am to 10pm. Further conditions related to construction works, and agreements with Irish Water.