Costa Coffee staff Ariadne Da Silva and Roisin Bennis pictured as University Hospital Limerick introduced an initiative to reduce the amount of single use coffee cups being served at its cafes, a project that has the potential to reduce the amount of waste by up to 1,200 cups a day

2GoCups targets daily reduction of 1,200 single-use cups from UHL waste stream

A waste reduction initiative at University Hospital Limerick has the potential to take up to 1,200 single use cups a day out of the waste stream.

UL Hospitals Group has teamed up with its catering partners Compass Group to minimise our impact on the environment through the introduction of reusable cups at two cafes across UHL.

Customers pay a €2 deposit for their coffee or tea and return the cup for a refund or keep it for future use. The cups are dishwasher safe and have a lifespan of 1,000 uses, or approximately 3 years.

In this initiative, we have partnered with an Irish company 2GoCup, which is also involved in the successful scheme in Killarney as the tourist town aims to go single cup free.

“At UL Hospitals Group, we are dedicated to reducing our impact on the environment in line with the HSE Climate Action Strategy 2023 to 2050, which was published in June. We are going to be hearing more and more about the circular economy over the duration of that strategy and this is exactly the kind of project we hope to see a lot more of,” said Maria Quirke, Directorate General Manager, Operational Services, UL Hospitals Group.

“There has been a very positive reaction from our customer base on the first day of this initiative on Monday and our staff distributed approximately 200 2GoCups in the first two hours of trading alone. It shows that there is a real desire among the public to think about our growing consumption and its impact on the environment and we are delighted to be part of this initiative at our hospital cafes,” said Conor Nestor, General Manager, Compass Group, University Hospital Limerick.