Difficult year for road works

Members of Nenagh Municipal District have praised Tipperary Co Council on the volume of road works achieved in what they agreed was a difficult year with a lot of bad weather.

At the district's October meeting, Cllr John Carroll was particularly happy with bridge work progress in Templederry and at Tyone, Nenagh.

Cllr Ger Darcy asked the council to look at a section of road at Ballinamurra where potholes are forming despite works being carried out recently. He also drew the council's attention to an "unmerciful bump" on the Nenagh side of Carrigahorig, where milk lorries are spilling some of their load.

Cllr Joe Hannigan said there is a similar problem on the Portumna side of the village. Cllr Phyll Bugler wanted to the council to remedy a four-foot drop off the side of the R503 between Millbrae and Annaholty.

District Engineer Barry Murphy said road markings could be used to highlight the edge on the R503 but it would not be possible to put a barrier on the bog rampart there. The council resurfaced the road and put signage in place.