North Tipperary Hospice committee members with members of the late Deirdre Darcy Hogan’s family receiving a cheque for almost €111,000 for the hospice. Back, from left: Jack Darcy, Sarah Darcy and Thomas Darcy. Front, from left: Noel Hogan, Paddy Heffernan, Kay Donoghue and Anna O’Brien. The Irish Cancer Society was presented with a similar sum following a phenomenal fundraiser. PHOTO: MICHAEL MOLAMPHY

Phenomenal fundraiser in memory of Deirdre

Noel, Sarah, Jack, Thomas and the Deirdre Darcy Hogan fundraising committee would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising campaign.

No one could have envisaged the response. The total amount of money raised was €221,864.05, which will be divided between the Irish Cancer Society and the North Tipperary Hospice.

Congratulations to those who won in the raffle card draw. We hope you enjoy your prizes.

First prize – €1,000 Holiday Voucher (DK Travel sponsored) was won by Eamonn Hogan.

Second prize - €500 Brown Thomas Voucher was won by Emily Harding.

Third prize – Pillo Hotel break was won by Liam Garvey.

Fourth prize – County Arms Hotel break was won by Kevin Ryan.

Fifth prize – Pembroke Hotel break was won by Pat Langton.

Sixth prize – Kilbeggan Race Tickets were won by Therese Flannery.

Seventh prize - €100 Palmerston Stores Voucher was won by Tom Reddan.

Eighth prize – Drinks Hamper (provided by ‘No More Mossies’) was won by Noel Brody.

At every step of this fundraising campaign you came out of the woodwork and dug deep into your pockets.

From our launch night, the packed Table Quiz in Terryglass on April 14, 2023 to our last pitch, raffle card selling at Supervalu in Portumna on November 10 and 11 2023.

At fleadh cheoils, a poker classic, the point-to-point races, school collections, a massive auction, coffee mornings, shopping centre collections, a music festival, a sports day, an air show, open yay, vintage festival, table quizzes, sponsored runs and the ‘GoFundMe’ campaign, the amount of money donated to the cause has been outstanding.


A hugely successful auction was held on September 10 in Aglish. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who donated and purchased items at the event.

To all businesses and individual card sellers, we are very grateful for all your help. To our five marathon runners, Eamonn, Vinnie and Brian Hogan, Tom McGrath and Regina McCarthy, we are so proud of your fantastic achievement in successfully completing the Dublin City Marathon on October 29 2023. You are true legends and an inspiration to us all. To everyone who supported this fundraising campaign, you will never know or realise the impact of your generosity but rest assured, the beneficiaries of your kindness will be forever grateful.


And finally, our lovely Deirdre. She was a wonderful person and we all miss her dearly.

Her legacy prevails in the phenomenal generosity and kindness shown throughout this whole fundraiser. During Deirdre’s journey with cancer she found great support from the Irish Cancer Society and North Tipperary Hospice.

These two charities are very close to all our hearts, providing immense support, comfort and kindness when needed. So once again, thank you.

Health and happiness to you all for the coming Christmas season, and may 2024 be kind to you also.