Pat Hennessy, Joan Murray, Cronan Wright, Eddie Murray, Canon Jane Galbraith, Fr Tom Corbett and Rev Denis Maguire at the blessing ceremony at Roscrea Community Crib.

Blessing of crib

Clergy blessed the crib, figurines and all those present

The ninth annual blessing of the Roscrea Community Crib and figurines took place recently. Among those gathered included representatives of the local clergy: Fr Tom Corbett (St Cronan’s Catholic Church), Canon Jane Galbraith (Saint Cronan’s Church of Ireland and Reverend Denis Maguire (newly appointed Methodist Minister of Roscrea). A warm welcome to Roscrea was extended to Rev Denis Maguire and his wife Carol. The clergy blessed the crib, figurines and all those present and recited some prayers and scripture readings. All gathered sang a selection of carols in celebration and anticipation of this wonderful time of year. A huge thanks must be extended to Paddy Reidy and his team on the CE scheme, who erect the crib every year with the help of Derek Russell and Eddie Murray. The committee would like to wish everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas!