Caoimhe Walsh meeting Santa Claus at the Community Centre, Newport, on Saturday evening.

Early visit by Santa to Newport

Family-festive event at Community Centre

Father Christmas himself, Santa Claus, has made a pre-Christmas flying visit to the area to meet with some of the young people and take a note of the presents they are expecting for Christmas.

It was late on Saturday evening when word spread around the town that Santa had quietly dropped in to the Community Centre at Clonbealy for a short pre-Christmas visit.

Many of the young people had been waiting around for some time for his arrival, because the “secret” visit wasn't the best kept secret in the area and word had leaked out that Newport may be on big man's travel journey for the evening. It was well after darkness had fallen, but many of them found him in a quiet corner of a large room at the Community Centre, taking a little rest after the journey, but he wasn't too tired to greet “my little friends” as he called them.

Scores of them took the opportunity to have a quiet word with him and tell him what they would like as a present.

He explained that the preparations for his huge delivery of presents to young people all over the world on Christmas Eve is well under way “back at home” and Mrs Claus didn't come because she is so busy supervising the packing.

But he assured them all that their requests and letters had been received and if he can't get exactly what they asked for he would bring “something very nice” instead, which will be waiting for them on Christmas morning.

However, being the generous man that he is, he did not travel empty handed and brought a small present of some chocolates for each of them which he hoped that they would enjoy.

And “I'll be back on Christmas Eve”, he assured them all, and even surprised some of them by telling them that he knew who they were and to prove it was able to call them by their name.

Santa Claus has a great memory. How could he know so many of their names.... it was mystifying!