New Bournea Reaching Out book

The 2023 Bournea Reaching Out Historical Society Book launch took place recently in Fitzpatricks Country Club, Clonmore.

Donal Lee had the honour of launching our book and brought us through the articles while praising the work the historical society has put in over the past ten years. We then viewed the video we made of the Clonmore Historical drive, which added to the overall experience on the night.

John Fitzpatrick provided refreshments and our members supplied the confectionery on the night. We first started producing our annual book on a very small budget with limited experience in 2014. Our intention was to record the history of the parish. We asked the people to help us by writing articles and sending us old photographs.

We received a fantastic response, which resulted in 70 pages of excellent history. We decided not to include any advertisements as we were unsure if it would sell at all. We had only enough money to print a handful of copies, but such was the demand we had to go back and print more with the money we earned from the first lot.

Each year we have tried to improve the book a little bit; this year, on our 10th anniversary we have reached 172 pages of history and photographs, our biggest edition to date. The full set of 10 are available by contacting

The book will be available for sale in the Norebrook Lounge, Clonakenny; Mulrooney’s Gala Shop, Roscrea; Mulrooney’s Gala Shop, Templemore; Carroll’s Centra / Circle K, Roscrea; Lua and Teresa Ryan's, Roscrea; Centenary Loran Farm Store; Centenary Montore Farm Store; Centra, Templemore; Cambie’s Londis, Templemore; Fitzpatrick’s Newsagents, Templemore and Byrne’s Post Office in Dunkerrin.