Ann Scroope receives her Nenagh 800 medal from Cllr John ‘Rocky’ McGrath (Cathaoirleach, Nenagh Municipal District). PHOTOS: ODHRAN DUCIE

‘A lot happening in the Nenagh district’

The 2023 Nenagh Municipal District awards were presented at the Civic Offices on Monday, November 20. They were an opportunity for Tipperary Co Council to thank all those who help to make our communities a better place in which to live and work, and who contribute to the promotion of our district as an attractive place to visit.

The contributions varied from the enhancement works carried out by groups, to the achievements of individuals and groups who, because of what they do, bring recognition and a sense of pride to the district.

“Whether you are a member of a burial ground committee, a Tidy Towns committee or a residents association, the hours you devote to this pay off and are an example to everyone,” stated Cathaoirleach Cllr John Rocky McGrath in his opening address.

“Those involved in the Tidy Schools and the presentation of attractive shopfronts and business premises show a pride in their own places and this example will influence others to do likewise. Those who use their talents for the benefit of others, who achieve significant recognition because of the quality of their work - be it entertainment, sport or community endeavour - make us aware of what can be done and that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

“The council has a mission statement, which refers to being ambitious for our communities. And we are ambitious for our communities. We want them to work together and with us in order to enhance the economic, social and cultural development of the area. This will be to the benefit of everyone.

“But we recognise that communities are also ambitious for themselves and the friendly rivalry that exists between neighbouring towns and villages demonstrates this. There is a lot happening in the Nenagh district and we are proud to play our part in whatever way we can – we have reaped the benefit of the investment of what is often small money in our communities and those who are being honoured tonight are representative of lots of other communities across the district.

“Sadly, it is not possible to honour everyone here tonight but there will be further opportunities in the future. We look forward to continuing to work with you into the future and to continuing to see the fruits of your labours.”

More photos in this week's Guardian